How to make a student house a home?

11 Dec How to make a student house a home?

This week I picked up the keys to my new flat, to start moving back to Bournemouth to finish my Industrial Design degree. So, I am sad to say, this is my last post for Ken Rand Partners.

Walking through the bear walls of the scarcely used flat, the magnolia environment engulfs the entire property. It got me thinking, what makes a house a home when you can’t physically change the property?

1. Lighting – The lighting is a key part of giving a room an atmosphere. It is also a really economical way that has an immediate effect. Instead of using the ceiling lighting provided, why not invest in some table top lamps? This is perfect for getting the right amount of ambience for a living room or bedroom. If you have an office, why not try a floor standing light? where you can alter the direction of multiple bulbs to highlight your desk, storage or bookcases.


2. Soft furnishing – Rugs and blankets become my best friends in rented accommodation. From protecting the carpet in high traffic areas, to adding a bit of color and helping keep your house warm, they are fantastic at instantly transforming your room into something more homely.


3. Bits and Bobs –My mum is queen of bits and bobs. She fills the house with beautiful pebbles, figures, flowers, candles, dishes, you name it, we have it! But there is a fine line between decoration and being cluttered. Carefully choose one window sill, one table top, in a room to display a few items that have value to you. Your Bits and Bobs should say something about you, whether it be a funny story on holiday, or something you found at a quaint market in a local town. It should induce interest and conversation within the home. Try to pick a style, theme or palette for a room, to keep your trinkets coherent. And finally don’t mix up Bits and Bobs, with just STUFF!


4. Photographs – I have moved quite a few times over the last three years but still the first thing I unpack is my photographs, before I call in Albrite Commercial Cleaners to get rid of any accumulating dust. It reminds me of my family and friends, the times I’ve had and all the beautiful people I have in my life. Photographs are also a window into peoples lives, I love looking at peoples photos around their homes, it creates a warmth to a room that can otherwise feel impersonal. Just make sure you don’t go overboard by making a room, or wall, look like a shrine!

By Sophie Hambling


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